
Jun 21, 2024 We presented PINA at ECCOMAS and SMLET 2024! Here the slides
Jun 1, 2024 PINA was presented during the Advanced School on Applied Machine Learning at the International Center for Theoretical Physics
May 15, 2024 Electrolux invided me to give a presentation on Physics Informed Machine Learning for Accelerating Numerical Simulations! Here the slides
May 11, 2024 Our poster was accepted at ICLR Workshop AI4Differential Equations!
Feb 28, 2024 I presented a poster in the SIAM UQ 2024 Power of Diversity satellite event!
Feb 23, 2024 PINA was presented in the PINN-PAD workshop on PINNs in Padua
Feb 14, 2024 My paper Generative adversarial reduced order modelling got accepted into Nature Scientific Report
Jan 24, 2024 I was invited to the Area Science Park for the LADE seminars to give a talk titled Inductive Bias in Scientific Machine Learning for Modelling PDEs
Dec 19, 2023 I was invited to the University of Trieste for the iNEST spoke event to give a talk titled Deep Learning for Solving Differential Equations
Nov 26, 2023 PINA version 0.1 is finally out! Check the GitHub or the official documentation
Jul 19, 2023 My paper Physics-Informed Neural networks for Advanced modeling got accepted into JOSS
Mar 21, 2023 My paper A continuous convolutional trainable filter for modelling unstructured data got accepted into Springer Computational Mechanics
Jul 22, 2022 I presented a poster on the Summer School on Reduced Order Methods in Computational Fluid Dynamics at SISSA about my paper A continuous trainable filter for convolution with unstructured data