
General Information

Full Name Dario Coscia
Date of Birth 2nd September 1999
Languages Italian, English, Spanish


  • 2023 - *
    International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA), Italy - University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
    • Generative Modelling for Uncertainty Quantification
    • Neural Operator, Physics Informed learning for solving PDEs
  • 2021 - 2023
    Master's degree Data Science and Scientific Computing
    University of Trieste, Italy
    • Thesis on generative adversarial methods for reduced order modelling
  • 2018 - 2021
    Bachelor's degree Physics
    University of Trieste, Italy
    • Thesis on modelling the energetics of graphene on a Nickel surface
  • 2016 - 2018
    United World College of South East Asia
    Singapore, Singapore
    • International Baccalaureate (English language)


  • 2021 - 2023
    Machine learning researcher
    International School of Advanced Studies (SISSA), Italy
    • Research fellow at SISSA mathLab group in the field of Deep Learning.
  • 2020 - 2021
    Solid state physics researcher
    CNR-IOM, Italy
    • Internship at CNR-IOM Trieste in the field of computational solid-state physics. Building statistical and energetical models, and developing software for testing.

Open Source Projects

  • 2015-now
    • An open-source Python library for solving differential equations using Deep Learning.